First Things Foundation

 Visit Them in The Field

Why First Things Foundation?

Immersion is something that we at Gratitude Travels believe in, we have aimed to live these values ourselves and have spent many years living in remote countries immersed in foreign cultures and languages.
We believe this both broadens the mind as well as cements home truths that we may have forgotten along the road of our busy lives. 

The team at First Things truly live immersive values and cement these by placing field workers into economically impoverished communities around the world for a full two years. Their phased approach to immersion means that field workers only learn the local language and listen to the community's challenges before after several months progressively beginning to source out 'Impesarios' within the communities who First Things will then get behind to build bottom-up projects that benefit people meaningfully, long after indiviual field workers have left the countries.

Visiting Africa?
Extend 3 or 4 Nights and Visit the FTF Projects in Mozambique or Sierra Leone

Why not build in three or four nights to your trip and visit the First Things Team on the ground in Mozambique Sierra Leone.
First Things Foundation have been on the ground in Sierra Leone since 2017 and their projects in-country can be seen first hand today.
Mozambique is a new project for FTF with the first field workers arriving in 2023.

How to get there : We will arrange all logistics in Mozambique and Sierra Leone together with the First Things Team. You as the traveller are offered our full support as always.
For Sierra Leone, almost all flights from main African tourism destinations to Sierra Leone connect in Ghana. We will advise you on flight options and of course take care of your arrangements in Ghana should you wish to make the most of passing through this country that not many travellers get to experience!

Mozambique is straightforward to access especially from South Africa, with daily flights in to Maputo and a short connection required to Nampula.